Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stress - Symptoms of stress

Stress is caused due to some external factors like work, financial problems, being busy and not getting time for other personal stuffs, major changes in life or sometime due to family problems. Sometimes it self generated by having unrealistic expectations, negative talks, perfectionism or pessimism.
Here are some of the symptoms of stress, though not all are caused due to stress some are due to medical problems that one is facing.

1. Inability to concentrate: Difficulty with concentration is a symptom that can arise from both physical and psychological or emotional problems
2. Poor judgment: Caused due to lack on concentration.
3. Seeing only the negative side of things: People suffering from this like to wallow in their own self pity and hate the world.
4. Memory problems: Not able to remember something important.
5. Anxious or racing thoughts: Anxious about the result of anything. Example: Job interview, a game being played and others
6. Constant worrying: Worrying without a reason. Sometimes worrying instead of finding the solution for the problem they are in.
7. Moodiness: Depressed most of the time.
8. Eating more or less: Some people have the habit of having too much of food to beat stress, while others skip their meals thinking of the problems that they are in.
9. Aches and pains in different parts of the body.
10. Irritability or short temper
11. Frequent diarrhea or constipation
12. Too much or too little sleep.
13. Agitation, inability to relax
14. Nausea, dizziness
15. Isolating yourself from others: Considering yourself inferior to others or staying from the crowd as you don’t feel comfortable.
16. Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
17. Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
18. Feeling overwhelmed
19. Taking drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol to relax: Some find this a way to relax and get over stress, but not realizing that they are causing more harm to their health and creating more stress for themselves.
20. Loss of sex drive: They seem to lose interest in having sex.
21. Sense of loneliness and isolation
22. Depression or general unhappiness
23. Nervous habits
24. Frequent colds

Too much of stress is damaging and there are lots that you can do to reduce it.

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